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Organizing Medical Students to Fight COVID-19

This student-led team first gathered together on March 15th to rapidly develop an organizational structure to coordinate and augment the HMS student body response to COVID-19 in collaboration with the HMS administration, leadership, affiliated hospitals, and community partners.

Currently, there are four overarching committees that are supported by hundreds of members across the student body. The structure will continue to evolve as the response grows. The Response Team embraces the principles of being adaptive, nimble, and inclusive for all initiatives that will optimize our collective impact as a medical student body.

For more information now on how to connect with our efforts and help us broaden them, please contact: hmscovid19studentresponse@gmail.com

Response Team Leads:

Shivangi Goel

Kirstin Woody Scott

Derek Soled

Web Development

Benjamin Levy


Activism for Community Support

This team is working on a number of initiatives to support vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19 as well as engaging medical student service and activism that may not be related to direct clinical support. This includes housing policy activism, addressing needs from essential health staff, and liaising with broader student community in Boston and beyond re: how to support essential health staff with needs (child care, grocery shopping, etc.). Learn more about these initiatives here: Community Activism Initiatives


Nishu Uppal

Parsa Erfani

David Velasquez

Education for Broader Community

This team focuses on promoting educational materials, music videos, and infographics for a broader audience (social distancing, etc.), including translating COVID-19 educational material in other languages. Please follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.


Kruti Vora

Nicky Joseph

Activism for Medical Support

This team is working with hospital leadership to create a framework for involving the medical student workforce in the clinical needs emerging from hospital sites. The focus of this group is helping with innovative policy creation about the medical student workforce re-allocation and placement in this evolving crisis. We will make sure every HMS student is aware of clinically-supportive opportunities as they emerge.


Shivangi Goel

Danika Barry

Education for Medical Community

This team has developed and launched a student-led, publicly-available curriculum on COVID-19, which will be updated each Friday. It is accessible here: Curriculum


Michael Kochis

Medical School COVID19 Task Force Database:

This team is focused on gathering and consolidating data on various initiatives across the country at all US accredited allopathic and osteopathic medical schools. The goal for this new team is to foster collaboration to allow task forces to learn from each other and for medical students and other volunteers to find initiatives in their area.

The database can be found here: Taskforce Database.


Troy Ameen

Vartan Pahalyants